Saturday, June 21, 2008

butterfly - my story

egg. of course this is when my father and mother decided to have another child. moi.

caterpillar. this stage is probably the saddest part of my life. this is when i realized that life is not just a game. that i have to be strong to survive.

pupa. is when i decided to hide from people. when i avoided people. this is when i reflected and thought about what i wanted in life. thought about the steps that i should be taking to find what we call "happiness".

butterfly. imago. i guess i can say that i am not totally at this stage yet. i am still emerging from the pupal stage. i have not achieved what i wanted yet. i know that in time i will reach my goal...


atto aryo said...

the time will come. the long wait will be over. and then...

sometimes, another cycle begins..

Jhamy whoops! said...

nice post..nice page.. :)